

线条机械  线条机械

YH-180°石材圆弧磨边抛光机是我公司研制成功的新产品。它突破了原有圆弧抛光机只能抛 1/4(90°)圆弧边的局限,抛光圆弧边范围达到 1/2(180°),扩大了加工范围,可以加工半圆边的台面板及加厚楼梯踏板。直边、斜边、圆弧边的工过程全自动运作,加工厚度达 5cm,不同宽度的板材也可连续生产,在石材深加工方面,应用非常广泛,可作为一台直线磨边抛光机加工中心使用。该设备有一体式及分体式两种设备可供选择。

The YH-180 Arc-edge Grinding and Polishing Machine is the new product which is developed by our company.Its a great breakthrough compare with our original arc-edge polishing machine which just can polish 1 / 4 (90 )arc-edge, this Arcedge Grinding and polishing Machine can extend to Polish 1 / 2 (180 ), extend the processingscope, It can process half-round table-board and thickly step-board. Its fully automatic to process the straightedge,bevel edge and arc edge.Itsprocessing thickness can reach 5cm,even the boards with different widths canbe processed continuously.Up to now,this machine is highly acknowledged in the stone deep processing industry.Two options for customer choice:integrated & separated.

现货地址1: 中国石材产业展示运营中心
技术支持 啄木鸟科技&石材助手 18960447929(啄木鸟科技专业服务石材企业8年,专业承接小程序、网站、系统定制开发)